Top Tips for Maintaining Your Car Door Locks
If you’re unable to open the door of your shiny brand new BMW car key NYC that you so passionately take care of, don’t be surprised! It’s quite common for even the biggest car connoisseurs to neglect their car lock. While they’re used quite frequently, the cleanliness of your car door lock is often overlooked.
How can you deal with a car door lock on your own? We’re here to help!
Here are a few tips which may come handy when maintaining your car door lock.

Know the type of lubricant your car door lock needs
A lubricant is necessary to avoid rust buildup in your car door lock and hinge. The type of lubricant that your car needs depends on the material of the hinge. A reliable car locksmith new york city services can help you choose the right one. Just spray some on the lock and let it settle for a few minutes. It’ll do the job for you.
Cleaning is as important as lubricating
If you aren’t cleaning your door lock enough, it’s pointless to spray it with lubricant. The lubricant will just make the dirt sticky. A car door lock is small in size and, hence, difficult to clean. A screwdriver can be of great help in such situations. Wrap a wet handkerchief around a screwdriver and clean the lock. Doing so regularly will keep the door from getting jammed.
Avoid careless handling
Too much careless twisting and turning of the key in the lock can damage it. This is a common occurrence if a car is driven by too many drivers. Insert the key in very gently to avoid damage. Also, make sure the keys are clean and free from any impurities which can accumulate in the grooves because these might settle in the car door lock.
Get high security car locks
Various high security door lock systems are available in New York City if you want to ensure the safety of your family and your car. Such locks prevent the door from accidentally opening and are essential for safety of your children, among other reasons.
If you spend a lot of dollars on how fancy and well-maintained your car looks, you can’t afford to lose it all by compromising on one small part, can you? At New York Locksmith Network, we value your belongings and your safety! We offer BMW car key NYC service. You can call us at 347-753-9043 for a free quotation.