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Forgetting Your Keys Inside The House Turning Into A Habit? It Could Be A Sign Of Intelligence!

“I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab or the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?” 

Remember Jason Bourne? Every time he seemed to get by fine without even knowing who he is. He could speak multiple languages, was a pro at hand-to-hand combat and could pretty much do everything you’d imagine.

According to a new research paper says, published by the University of Toronto, science says Jason Bourne could’ve avoided all the hassle if he never wished to find out his real name was David Webb.

According to researchers, Bake Richards and Paul Frankland, absent-mindedness is a sign of intelligence. In order to learn new things or new way to do things, our minds need to be able to forget the old stuff.

*Sigh* Wish I could do without knowing my real name!
Wait, where are my keys?

We’re Not Kidding…

Remember the last time you woke up late, dressed up as fast as you could and rushed out the door only to experience that 3-second brain freeze, as soon as you realize your keys are not in your pockets.

“Did I leave them on the bedside? Nope. Didn’t see them there!”

“What if I left them at the pub last night?”

“Why can’t I just remember where they are!”

While you leave it till the evening to figure out—the drive home is a mental explosion of ideas of what you could possibly do once you make it home.

  • You never leave the keys under the mat, it’s just not your thing.
  • There are no windows to climb through.
  • You don’t have any secret unlocking techniques like many homeowners do (swipe-a-card, shoulder it hard, keep yanking it until it chooses to let you through etc.)

There you go. That’s what forgetfulness helped you achieve—the solution.

The research study also concluded that the primary purpose of memory is to allow us to make intelligent decisions not memorize details.

This is what all those years of being called air headed, scatterbrained and daydreamer, helped you achieved. All this while, you were at an evolutionary edge by training your brain to forget things that didn’t matter so that it could make space for new memories.

Back To The Door!

But let’s face it—you’re definitely annoyed and none of us want to start our day on that note. We’ve tried having spares made, but all of them end up being lost, as if they transported to another dimension—nowhere to be found.

Thankfully, there’s still hope. As a leading 24-hour locksmith service for NYC, we have encountered multiple scenarios where clients have practically no idea where their keys might be.

From crafting quick key spares, to changing locks and of course, using special tricks that are not in the books, we immediately enable you to get in your home.

But Still…

If the first thing you do after the locksmith is done is curse at yourself and go ‘how stupid could I be? Third time in a month? Am I going mad?’, stop. You just don’t know how NOT to forget your keys.

  • Make A Key Spot:Remember Newton’s first law? Nothing can move until forced to. Apply this here by dedicating a spot for your keys. It could be the bedside table, a refrigerator magnet, right above the shoe rack or behind the exit door.
  • Buy A Key Holder: Choose wisely. Buy a key holder that you are able to associate with your keys and recall easily. A fan of music? How about a guitar shaped key holder? In to gardening? A gnome or bright colored, plant shaped key holder would do!
  • Use A Lanyard: Bulkier is always hard to forget. If you have a lanyard for your work ID, put your keys in there as well. You might not like this if you consider yourself as fashion conscious!
  • Reminder Note By Front Door:Another easy way to never forget is to put up a note by the front door, reminding you to check for keys before leaving. Your friends might call you out for trying to pull off that Anterograde Amnesia case from the blockbuster Memento, but hey, as long as it helps.
Pair your keys with items you typically carry when heading out.

When The Epiphany Hits You…

It’s common for us to panic when we one fine morning starts off with no memory of your last password to your phone, shouldn’t have changed it last night. The bone chilling, brain strobing feeling is the same when you can’t find your keys.

Pause right there. There’s nothing to panic about. It’s not the end of the world. In fact:

At the same time, try searching for your keys with our pro tips:

  • Don’t forget that there are no lost objects, merely unsystematic searchers. More than often, your keys may be within an 18-inch radius of where you last remember them.
  • Don’t mix things up. Go from one room to another, one spot to the next.
  • The first few places you should investigate are the cluttered ones. If they were somewhere else, you would have found them within the first few minutes of searching.
  • Retrace your steps. Remember number sequences in mental mathematics? How you would go back and forth trying hard to figure out the sequence? Break down the past few hours into sequences and retrace them.
  • investigate are the cluttered ones. If they were somewhere else, you would have found them within the first few minutes of searching.
  • Retrace your steps. Remember number sequences in mental mathematics? How you would go back and forth trying hard to figure out the sequence? Break down the past few hours into sequences and retrace them.

Cut Out The Hassle!

Now, if you were Jason Bourne, would you really care about finding out your real name? Think of all the other amazing things you could do!

At New York Locksmith Networks, we have over 22 years’ experience helping stranded clients with our emergency, rapid response services. Whether you’re locked out of your car or it’s the third time you’ve locked yourself out of your home, you can count on us—we mean it.

Recognized as THE 24-hour locksmith in NYC, we pride ourselves in our highly reliable team of emergency dispatchers who are willing to go the extra mile to help distressed customers.

Here’re our phone numbers: 917-472-1252 & 347-753-9043, put them on speed dial and cut out one thing to stress about from your life!


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